It's me again!!! So today I'm going to be talking about favourites, and I think it's important that everybody has different favourites because that defines us as humans and it makes you,well, YOU. and if somebody has a different favourite thing then we should celebrate this and not judge them because of it, this is a hard thing to do, because we as humans have been brought up to think, "ewww! you like ONIONS!!!??!! that's soooo gross, well I'm not hanging round with YOU anymore!! s'later onion breath!!!" and it's nobody's fault really, it's just the way humans ARE, in nature this can also be shown, as the runt of a litter of pigs, for example, can be excluded from the rest of his or hers family JUST for being the smallest...
IS THIS RIGHT?? Well this isjust my opinion and cannot be helped, so it's really your descion, as a human being, to judge whether this is right or not. But all I'm trying to say is that we're all different and we should not be so judgemental of different people. I really wanted to do this blog today because I have been noticing this a lot in society recently and I wanted put out my opinion, so, sorry if you were expecting something different but it is what it is, and I promise I'll do a fun blog/vlog next time,
Beth xxxxxxxxx
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