Saturday 9 June 2012


I've decided, seeing as this is our first blog together, I will colour each sentence differently!
Because then it looks like we (me as the blogger, and you as the reader) are on a magical rainbow internet journey together...
So I'm gonna start with the basics, my name, is Bethany Tobin, although most people either call me Beth, Tubsy or Boo. You can decide which one works for you :)
I am an aspiring young writer, vlogger AND blogger(although I'd love to be a chef or astronaut! weird, I know) And have decided to try and blog, mostly for fun, but also it will help to get my name into the world...
Anyway! Enough about ME and MORE about YOU, and just because you've read this blog, it makes you an awesome amazing epic cupcake toucan dinosaur ninja! ( If you dont want to be, than that's fine, just don't come CRYING to me when all your friends are awesomer than you ;P)
And at this point I will have to say farewell my new internet buddies!!!! I shall blog again very shortly!!!! but for now I have English exam revision and worrying to be getting on with,
Beth xxxxxxxxxx

PS I'm REALLY tired in this vid!!! (pls excuse)

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