Monday 18 June 2012

Sad Blog :'(

My Great-Grandad
No Rainbow colours today peoples,sorry.
Grief is one of the many things we all have to go through in our lives, whether it's day-to-day or a one off, it can be very painful and you can feel singled out by this one grief.
           Recently my Great-Grandad (my Grandad's dad) has been admitted to hospital and is very old.He is 98 years old in July and has had a good life. Most people in my family are expecting him to die very shortly, and believe we should start planning ahead for the future.And it maybe because i'm foolish or it maybe because im young, but i don't believe this is the right way forward. Great-Grandad is a valued member in our family, why can't we accept that and HELP him in hospital instead of sitting back and WATCHING him die?? And as you can imagine i am crying writing these words down. But they need to be heard. If you have any tips on how to help me or if you've had a similar expirience then please write them in the comments below.

Here is a song I've been listening to lately so I thought you might like to hear it

And a story I've recently read about this sort of thing (that so describes me!!!!)

Artichoke Hearts [Book]Mira's family is always chaotic, and sometimes it feels like nothing is private. The thing is...Mira does have secrets - her beloved Nana Josie is dying, she's drifing away from her best friend and she can't stop thinking about mysterious, confident Jide Jackson. Mira feels like everything's spinning out of control...can she let someone into her heart when it feels like it's about to break?

Beth xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. good book artichoke hearts,and beth, ur lucky you even have a great grandad, ive never even met mine....

  2. and I know Beth, that you may be upset about your great-granddad, but, your family has chosen the right decision, your great-granddad has obviously had a good life, and as they say nature takes its cause, so watching, and helping him have a good death is just part of natures way, even if it is one of the most heartbreaking, you see, if your great-granddad was much younger and had been admitted to hospital, the doctors and nurses would of done all they can to save him, but because he's already lived his life and is very old, there's no point, it will only waste money, because even if they did save him, he would die of old age soon anyway, or he will have to go back to hospital, and all that effort would of been wasted... so it is better to just watch and help him die, as gracefully as possible, with family members all around him.

  3. i agree with everything ellie said, and i feel for u beth
