Tuesday 16 October 2012

Hidden Connections.

Loads of people recently have abandoned their blogs. Yeah, I know. Sad.
          Anyway got that out of the way lets get on with our blog.

Have you ever developed a hidden relationship for someone??
                               Are You Sure??
Howse about a fun quiz to find out !! ( you don't really have a choice :-P )

"^^"= the person who you're taking the quiz on, E.G ^^ could be Steve... OR EUGENE!!!! Lol, inside joke.

^^ is ill. You feel,
A) Like a part of your life is missing
B) Sad, but you'll get over it.
C) You didn't even realise.

Do you enjoy spending time with ^^?
A) Of course!!
B) Occasionally 
C) I don't spend that much time with ^^

Would you give ^^ a hug?
A) Whenever, Wherever.
B) If they asked.
C) No it would be WAY to awkward.


Mostly A's-
OMG!! ^^ is like your soul sister/ brother, you guys are like this-

Mostly B's-
Yeah, you and ^^ are pretty close, could be better, though. You guys are like this-

Mostly C's-
You and ^^ could get on, but in all honesty, have never really tried. You guys are like this-


  1. i made a new blog!! and posted on my old one!!!!

  2. Dear Ms Eleanor Jacob Page Hart,
    I am sorry to inform you that legally you are not permitted to publish any sort of advertisement or misleading information on 'The Strange World Of Beth' Blog. This right is held within copyright and law enforcement code: 207991 . And so I will have to ask you to remove any written text breaking this law.

    kind regards,
    Miss Bethany Victoria Tobin,
    Author of 'The Strange World Of Beth' Blog.

  3. P.S If you have any problems in confounding these requests please contact me before legal action is made.
    kind regards,
    Miss Bethany Victoria Tobin,
    Author of 'The Strange World Of Beth' Blog.
