Saturday, 10 November 2012


Hey guys!!! ITS NOVEMBER!!!
       Anybody know someone doing Movember??
Movember is when men across the nation grow a moustache in order to raise money for men's cancers. This is a great opportunity for men to do something great! Last year my science teacher did Movember and didn't stop!! He now has a moustache that looks like the one middle row, and to the right.

     So that's one example of a great opportunity, but there are many more!! (Que cheesy gif and next example...)
   Jobs aren't just about degrees, how well you studied, or what school you went to etc. it's also about the opportunities available to you and your peers at the time.

  Another thing, completely down to luck and opportunities!!!

Is the whole world run on opportunities???? well, YES!!
  Think about it,
the reason you live in your house- it was up for sale when you wanted to buy it- OPPORTUNITY
the reason you have a pet (if you have one)- your pet was born, transported to the store, and bought- just a coincidence?? Or an OPPORTUNITY 

WOW. That was philosophically deep...

me- Anyways I was thinking about keeping a journal for a week and writing in the best bits into this blog
you- Isn't that what you do anyway??
me- no, because i will get someone else to do it and see each other through a different point of view.
you- ok cool !
me- who do you think would be up for it?
you- Eleanor.
me- ok (^ ^)

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