Welcome to my wacky and wonderful blog, that holds down all of my thoughts (often crazy or stupid) emotions ( often messed up) and feeling (often crazy, stupid AND messed up :-P) and I hope you enjoy cringing as much as I did!
Ok so today's blog is about wanting and longing...
There are three main 'Wants' in life-
Material ( To want an object )
Emotional ( To want to be more popular, loved by a certain person, etc.)
Physical ( To want someone's Physical endurance, or body feature as their own etc.)
Here are three scenarios for you to work out what sort of want is being influenced.
Dear Diary,
Usual day at school. Mum drove us to school today because it was FREEZING. I was sitting next to my sister Sophie in the car. It's not fair. Why does she have such long beautiful hair? When we finally got through all the traffic I went straight to form to see my best friend, Annie. She had text me the night before and told me to come to form super early so she could show off her new dress. I felt a bit left out when Sophie had the exact same one!! After the last bell I walked home with Sophie, Annie and Lewis.Oh, how I wish he'd noticed ME.
Write again soon!
Jenny. * ( Answers at end of blog )
If you can recognise the differences in wants then maybe it could help to control them. This is important to remember as we're coming up to the Christmas season as it help to remember the real reason why we celebrate it at this tome of year.
Most people want to be famous actors or singers when they grow up. But call me a hippie, I want to be an Arctic marine scientist. Strange choice, but it fascinates me - amd could be one step towards a better future. The bits I think I'd like best would probably-
Under- ice sea dives. That would be totally awe inspiring.
It's very open and isolated. Would be a great place to just live without any complications and just... be.
There is lots of unknown life here that would be great to explore.
Most people would get home-sick or freeze, but I don't mind the cold and there are lots of stop off points and internet places where you could skype, email, etc.
So, to make up for my laziness, I've thought up Do-It December. It was supposed to be a blog a day for a month buuuut the truth was I was too busy preparing for the Christmas season :) so from now until 6th Janurary 2013!! I will do a blog a day (or once a week at least ).