Saturday, 8 December 2012

Post 3 part one!! Can you read this??

If you read this from left to right like you are reading a book then you should be able to understand this!!

Seasons Greetings!!


Friday, 7 December 2012

I want, I want, I want!

Post 2!!!

Ok so today's blog is about wanting and longing...

There are three main 'Wants' in life-

  1. Material ( To want an object )
  2. Emotional ( To want to be more popular, loved by a certain person, etc.)
  3. Physical ( To want someone's Physical endurance, or body feature as their own etc.)
 Here are three scenarios for you to work out what sort of want is being influenced.

Dear Diary,
       Usual day at school. Mum drove us to school today because it was FREEZING. I was sitting next to my sister Sophie in the car. It's not fair. Why does she have such long beautiful hair? 
        When we finally got through all the traffic I went straight to form to see my best friend, Annie. She had text me the night before and told me to come to form super early so she could show off her new dress. I felt a bit left out when Sophie had the exact same one!!
          After the last bell I walked home with Sophie, Annie and Lewis.Oh, how I wish he'd noticed ME.
Write again soon!
Jenny. * ( Answers at end of blog )

If you can recognise the differences in wants then maybe it could help to control them. This is important to remember as we're coming up to the Christmas season as it help to remember the real reason why we celebrate it at this tome of year.

Seasons Greetings!!


Thursday, 6 December 2012

When I grow up....

Most people want to be famous actors or singers when they grow up. But call me a hippie, I want to be an Arctic marine scientist. Strange choice, but it fascinates me - amd could be one step towards a better future. The bits I think I'd like best would probably-

Under- ice sea dives. That would be totally awe inspiring.

 It's very open and isolated. Would be a great place to just live without any complications and just... be.

 There is lots of unknown life here that would be great to explore.

Most people would get home-sick or freeze, but I don't mind the cold and there are lots of stop off points and internet places where you could skype, email, etc.


Do-It December!!

( Yeah, so much for regular blogging :\ )

So, to make up for my laziness, I've thought up Do-It December. It was supposed to be a blog a day for a month buuuut the truth was I was too busy preparing for the Christmas season :) so from now until 6th Janurary 2013!! I will do a blog a day (or once a week at least ).

Any one see the snow yesterday??? I've a few snow pics (and a video!!)

IMAG0385.jpg IMAG0386.jpg

Hope your all ok,
Seasons Greetings!!

Saturday, 10 November 2012


Hey guys!!! ITS NOVEMBER!!!
       Anybody know someone doing Movember??
Movember is when men across the nation grow a moustache in order to raise money for men's cancers. This is a great opportunity for men to do something great! Last year my science teacher did Movember and didn't stop!! He now has a moustache that looks like the one middle row, and to the right.

     So that's one example of a great opportunity, but there are many more!! (Que cheesy gif and next example...)
   Jobs aren't just about degrees, how well you studied, or what school you went to etc. it's also about the opportunities available to you and your peers at the time.

  Another thing, completely down to luck and opportunities!!!

Is the whole world run on opportunities???? well, YES!!
  Think about it,
the reason you live in your house- it was up for sale when you wanted to buy it- OPPORTUNITY
the reason you have a pet (if you have one)- your pet was born, transported to the store, and bought- just a coincidence?? Or an OPPORTUNITY 

WOW. That was philosophically deep...

me- Anyways I was thinking about keeping a journal for a week and writing in the best bits into this blog
you- Isn't that what you do anyway??
me- no, because i will get someone else to do it and see each other through a different point of view.
you- ok cool !
me- who do you think would be up for it?
you- Eleanor.
me- ok (^ ^)

Saturday, 27 October 2012

housekeeping #2

Hello LOVELY people,

 I'm just in THAT mood. You know, the awkward ones where, for example, you're bored, but don't want to do anything, hungry, but don't want to be bothered to eat and well just feel like a confused lump of atom matter. Anyone else? No? Alright, just me then.
       Today was the last day of term (yay!) and I think it went O.K. Well, it wasn't exactly bad, but nothing MAJOR MAJOR  happened-

DT; pretty boring, although my teacher started putting on music randomly and doing a little bobbing dance whilst singing like a Bee-Gee a random song from the 70's :/ ?

History; halloween presentations, we won!! obviously the glory of winning was good enough, but, those sweets sure didn't taste bad either!!

Break; I may have eaten a few too many sweeties :/

Maths; fun but a bit stressful, but generally enjoyable (for a change!!)

Drama; good as always, helped that we ran out of time to perform as well!!

Lunch; meh.

French; good, halloween themed. got to sit next to who we wanted, I sat next to Charlotte and  made a menu that served 'Worm and Eyeball pie with Slug Ice-Cream' !!

Walking home; meh. although when I went into the shop to buy some bubble gum (bazooka zooka!! only me?? ok.) louis was like, standing like RIGHT on top of me... AWKWARD.

so yeah how'dur day go??


yep. sorry , finishing the blog off today. Anyone else see Derren Browns 'Apocalypse'?? Was literally the best and most chilling thing I have ever watched. I was reaallyyy excited to see what happens next week until it turns out it was all a set-up!! yes, thats right. 'Steven' is really an actor and was in on the WHOLE thing. :'(
how to ruin an excellent tv show all in one sentance. Cheers.
Thats right, Apocalypse is A FAKE. :'( shame.

so yeah that was disappointing. next week is half term  and im going to alton towers!! Also just came home from shopping need opinion on new clothes (^^)-

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Hidden Connections.

Loads of people recently have abandoned their blogs. Yeah, I know. Sad.
          Anyway got that out of the way lets get on with our blog.

Have you ever developed a hidden relationship for someone??
                               Are You Sure??
Howse about a fun quiz to find out !! ( you don't really have a choice :-P )

"^^"= the person who you're taking the quiz on, E.G ^^ could be Steve... OR EUGENE!!!! Lol, inside joke.

^^ is ill. You feel,
A) Like a part of your life is missing
B) Sad, but you'll get over it.
C) You didn't even realise.

Do you enjoy spending time with ^^?
A) Of course!!
B) Occasionally 
C) I don't spend that much time with ^^

Would you give ^^ a hug?
A) Whenever, Wherever.
B) If they asked.
C) No it would be WAY to awkward.


Mostly A's-
OMG!! ^^ is like your soul sister/ brother, you guys are like this-

Mostly B's-
Yeah, you and ^^ are pretty close, could be better, though. You guys are like this-

Mostly C's-
You and ^^ could get on, but in all honesty, have never really tried. You guys are like this-

Monday, 3 September 2012


Wow! can you believe it's back to school tomorrow!!! I could of honestly done with another month :)
Sadly though our favourite teacher (yeah right) Mr. Prevost has left to torture american kids with his trips to ikea. yippee there's jumbo stores out there.

During our long time no speak I've had my birthday (yay) buut its not all fun and games as I have do my own washing and ironing n stuff now,
Birthday presents include- superdry stuff, hollister stuff, cute stuff and 32" tv stuff
Spk t'ya'll soon x

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Goodbye Sunny Crete! :'(

Hey Peeps!!!
      Hope you are all having an AMAZING summer holiday!! Can you all believe that we're year 8 after these summer holidays?!?!? It doesn't feel like any time at all since we were in year 5!!!
     Anyways I've just returned from Crete- we had to come home early because my Nan lost her medication that she needs daily so we caught an emergency flight home. She is well now. And it wasn't all bad, because it was a rushed booking we got to travel in Business Class which is sort of like upper class but for business trips, which was cool. Although Crete is like my second home now so it was sad to leave. (also did I mention that the Cretan boys are in a WHOLE different league to the boys in England?!?!?) Here are some pictures and videos of my hotel- Atlantica Caldera Palace Sensatori Crete. Sorry these weren't posted earlier, the Internet in Crete is UNBELIEVABLY slow.  Also I might add a few diary entries IF I'm feeling generous. (sorry video 1 is weird- only professional one i could find, and 2 bad quality because it was on my ipod) 


" Tuesday 17th July 2012-
Wow. That's sort of Crete in one word. Wow. I mean, you'd think it'd be like all the other islands... Undeveloped, a seemingly dirty appearance  and overwhelmingly hot- but it's not. It's just lovely here. All the locals are kind, generous, charming people; the weather is great- not too hot, not too muggy. It's like an island mirage. A miracle . I have only praises for the Beautiful island of Crete"

Crete CERTAINLY left an impression on me, but what about YOUR summer hols? Post me some replies!!!!

(and for you NOSY lot out there-I know who you are!!! And yes, I will post about the Cretan boys....)

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Just some lol quotes I found...



Hey peeps sorry for not blogging properly recently, I have been very busy with awards evenings, tests, homework, sports day, holiday preparation etc.
and I'm Afraid it'll be the same today, but I thought you might like to hear a piece of writing I did for my English homework, we are doing difrentkindzaenglishiz as our topic for the last term, and one of our lessons was on different cultures and their gods, so here goes...

(kermit & yoda)

   All behold the mighty Koda.
He is the tranquil beast that roams the universe.
He is the soul, body and mind of every living being.
He is a lonesome lover,
asking for nothing more than a tiny space in your heart and
nothing less than the world. 
A good Samaritan will please Koda,
and shall reap in every reward that they deserve.
A bad Samaritan will learn his lesson- get what he deserves.
And a citizen will achieve the chances that they deserve.
Koda is light, Koda is death, expect the unexpected.
Koda is Karma.

 I am Crazy.


Saturday, 14 July 2012

Funny meme ft my sis! x

(soz 4 quality, it was on my rubbish webcam x)

Friday, 13 July 2012

Sports day 2012

Was good, here's sum pics x
Will post a vid wen I'm on my pc x